

 An epistemontological vortex
Nelson Job

In portughese this article HERE

The world machine opened itself
to the one who already avoided breaking it
and lamented even thinking about it.
It opened, majestic and discreet,
without proffering an impure sound
or a glare beyond what is tolerable
by pupils tired by the continuous
and dolorous inspection of the desert,
and by the mind exhausted by minding
an entire reality transcending
its own image delineated
on the face of mystery, on the depths.
It opened itself in pure calm, and inviting
all the remaining senses and intuitions
to the one who, by using them, had already lost them.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Oniric ontology emerges from the relations between magic and science, mediated by philosophy and permeated by art. The result is an amalgam in great proportions of concepts that were evidenced in our text Towards an Oniric Ontology, on this blog.

 It is necessary to forge a concept that trespasses Oniric Ontology in its entirety and provides the necessary plasticity once allowed by the articulation of transformed ancient concepts. This concept is the vortex.

The vortex, as we apprehend it, is a relation of forces in a wild becoming that self-organizes around an attractor, generating instances in time, being, or better, in happeningness, in a ubiquitous way. The vortex appears in other ways of knowing, such as fluid dynamics, that has a vorticity with mathematical characteristics. This specific vortex emerges in hurricanes, tornadoes, in the movements of coffee in a cup. His vectorial field, or force field, is a version of our relational field, in the sense we paraphrase Whitehead (1978): each relation between vortexes is in itself a vortex. All those vortexes are intuitions of a deeper concept of vortex. Let us see other tendencies: in the Theory of Relativity, there is a space-time vortex, the effect of a mass that deforms the space-temporal material of the cosmos.

In Quantum Mechanics, the quanton, concept proposed by the physician and philosopher Mario Bunge (2000) is, ontologically, a strange object, that involves characteristics of wave and particle. This is an intuition of the vortex in our conceptualization, that is a local, but ubiquitous, relation of forces, and its happeningness occurs singularly in function of this coexistence. A vortex is a coexistence of non-local cosmic vorticity and also has a relation of neighborhood and non-local relationship with one or more vortexes. In other words, the vortex in its quantum aspect, that is, as a quanton, is local and non-local, coexisting in a more coagulated form locally and in a more virtual form non-locally, but locality and virtuality overlap, so the vortex is integrally intensive. In a vortexology, it does not make more conceptual sense in terms of actual or virtual, but only in terms of intensities.

Fractals, self-similary figures, intimate the ubiquity of the vortex: vortexes are self-similary, immanent to ontology as well to epistemology, that is, the vortex is indeed, in its widest and deepest nature, ubiquitous and self-similar. The theory of Twistor Superstrings (PENROSE-2005) – in the more cosmic and more microscopic way – and the Causal Dynamical Triangulation (AMBJORN, JURKIEWICZ and LOLL - 2008) – pointing to the relation of fractals and quantum phenomena – intuit, each in its own way, the ubiquitousness and self-similarity of the vortex, as well as its passage by different Physics: Quantum, Relativistic and Chaotic, showing that there is a crossing point going through them, the emergence of a transknowledge[1] of the physical field, after all, they all describe aspects of the cosmos we inhabit and are.

The philosophical concept of abstract machine (with its duly simpler explanation: the strange attractor) intuit the ontological aspect of the vortex: the vortex is formed by vortexes and is part of other vortexes.

Let us see these aspects or coexistent and implicate vortex levels:
. epistemontologically, the vortex is pure immanence 
cosmically, the vortex and its particles self-organize in stars
. geologically, the vortex self-organizes on earth
psychically, the vortex self-organizes in living organic and non-organic attractors; and never "individuals", since there is no isolated vortex, but in variable levels and in a gradation of relations of local and non-local vortexes
. the vortex as virtual: Time and its coexistences in multiple times, with the chronological linearity as a shredded, narrowed, locked vortex; the virtual vortex virtual in its splendor is the coexistence of dreams, of dream-images
. the vortex as spiritual: the vortexes that occupy the cosmos beyond time and space, but influencing incidentally in the space-time, since there are non-local relationships between vortexes. Apprehending this is called illumination by some. The vortex is actual and virtual, but this duality does not make more sense, the vortex is the cone of Bergson (1999) in its cosmic fluidity. Both Descartes and Newton (DOBBS, 2002) tried to announce the vortex, but their mechanistic worldview did not allow the power demanded by the vortex. In Bergsonism, the dualist dam, announced in the preface of Matter and Memory, even if attenuated, haunted the vortex. The vortex is, precisely,intensive
The vortex as transcendent: cosmic vorticity may collapse at any time. The vortex is in a madder, wilder becoming, that could engender a collapse more or less encompassing in its more fully coexistent, but also more intensely collapsing nature, generating a transcendent vorticity. The transcendent vortex may stop being a vortex, can stop being, can stop non-being. In short: the vortex may generate an a posteriori transcendence.

The vortex has variable velocities; a specific change in the speed may cause a catalytic process that changes the speed of multiple vortexes. However, when a velocity is off this harmony, there is some potency loss. A vortex must be in resonance with the others, and the more cosmic resonance, the better. Echoes of Spinoza: the modes must compose with other modes, enhancing potency and enjoyment. The intensive resonance of the vortexes in its greater splendor, generating the full cosmic laughter! 

So, vortexology is announced: art evidences the vortex, science models the vortex, philosophy ex-plains the vortex, magic conjures the vortex. Meditation intensifies the vortex, ethics cultivates the vortex, love multiplies the vortex. Oniric Ontology lives the vortex.

The vortex brings the Storm to the entrails of reality. Many realities are forged using in its core this or that vortex, that is, the vortex defends a multiple, perspectivist reality. The ontological dreamer lives in the vortex and sleeps in the eye of the hurricane, the instance of infinite mobility that tends to zero, but in a pure immanence that does not arrives at zero. So much movement and absence of movement, when war and peace, life and death, etc., are deceitful dualities that the vortex betrays and unfolds. "Unstable balance": vertigos and ethical perversions, so is the vortex. To vortexes becoming until they cease being, and even until they cease un-being. Vortexology: we are vortex - vortex becoming – vortex multiplicity -  vortex cosmos.

AMBJORN, Jan, JURKIEWICZ, Jerzy and LOLL, Renate “Universo quântico auto-organizado” in: Scientific American 75 year 06, pp 28-35, 2008.
BERGSON, Henri, Matéria e memória – ensaio sobre a relação do corpo com o espírito. 2nd ed. São Paulo, Martins Fontes1999.
BUNGE, Mario, Física e filosofia1st ed. São Paulo, Perspectiva, 2000.
DOBBS, Betty Jo Teeter, The Janus faces of genius – The Role of Alchemy in Newton’s thought. 1st ed. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
PENROSE, Roger, 2005, The Road to Reality – A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe1st ed. New York, Knopf.
WHITEHEAD, Alfred North, 1978, Process and Reality (corrected edition)1st ed. New York, The Free Press.

Transleted by Pedro Ribeiro: pedrolvribeiro@yahoo.com.br

[1] - We aprehend transknowing as transdiciplanary knowledges applied to life and not only as epistemological concepts.